Updated Progression-Free Survival from PRESTO: a Phase 3 Randomized Study of Androgen Annihilation for High-Risk Biochemically Relapsed Prostate Cancer (AFT-19)

- Citation:
- Journal of Urology vol 209 (suppl 4) e1191
- Meeting Instance:
- AUA 2023
- Year:
- 2023
- Type:
- Abstract
- Sub type:
- Funding:
- Endpoint:
- Primary
- Analysis:
- Primary
- Data Sharing:
- No-Data-Sharing
- Status:
- Presented/Published
- Citation Status:
- epreprint
- Note:
- Methodological:
- No
- Biospecimen:
- No
- SDC:
- Yes
- Parents:
- None
- Children:
- 4065