Clinician vs Patient Reporting of Baseline and Postbaseline Symptoms for Adverse Event Assessment in Cancer Clinical Trials

- Citation:
- JAMA Oncol vol 6 (3) 437-9
- Year:
- 2020
- Type:
- Manuscript
- Funding:
- Endpoint:
- Secondary
- Analysis:
- Primary
- Data Sharing:
- No-Data-Sharing
- Status:
- Presented/Published
- Citation Status:
- ppub
- Note:
- Alliance studies involved within the NCCTG N0591 meta-analysis: 982452, MC05C6, MC06C8, N00C1, N01C5, N01C8, N01C9, N0222, N03C5, N03CA, N05C7, N06C4, N07C1, RC0639, 959255, 971151, 979202, MC99C2, N0021, N0087, N00C9, N014C, N0242, N9942, and N9946.
- Methodological:
- No
- Biospecimen:
- No
- SDC:
- No
- Book Volume:
- 9
- Parents:
- 2288
- Children:
- None
- Program:
- Primary Committee:
- Health Outcomes
- Sec. Committees:
- Pharmas:
- Grants:
- U10CA180821, U10CA180882, UG1CA189823, U10CA180790, U10CA180838, P30CA008748
- Corr. Author:
- Authors:
- Thomas M. Atkinson Amylou C. Dueck Daniel V. Satele Gita Thanarajasingam Jacqueline M. Lafky Jeff A. Sloan Ethan Basch
- Networks:
- LAPS-MN026, LAPS-NC007, LAPS-NY016
- Study
- NCCTG-N0591
- Multiple Studies, or Legacy Studies in Alliance Study:
- Phases:
- N/A
- Keywords: